Eventos Científicos de la Universidad Peruana Unión, 9na Jornada Cientifica de estudiantes-FCE

Por defecto: 
Nivel de engagement laboral en colaboradores de la comisaria de Jicamarca, Lurigancho - Lima, 2020
Ines Garcenia Tintaya Condori, Pamela Lucila Soto

Última modificación: 2020-07-20


The objective of this work is to determine the perception of the levels of labor engagement in the workers of the Jicamarca police station, annex 8. The study is descriptive, non-experimental and correlational. To measure the levels of engagement in a sample of 50 workers, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) instrument, created by Wilmar Schaufeli and Arnold Bakker, translated into Spanish by Valdez and Ron in 2012, consisted of the dimensions: Vigor, Dedication and absorption of employees to work, with an acceptable internal consistency of = 0.88 and a KMO of 0.82. To obtain the results, central measurement statistics were applied. Regarding the demographic characteristics of the workers, it was found the ages from 31 to 40 years and a minimum part ranges from the ages of 41 to 55 years, likewise most of them have a residence time of 1 to 3 years represented by the Commissioner of Jicamarca annex 8. Both the engagement and its dimensions were perceived at a moderate level, this refers to the fact that the workers feel energetic and see that it is necessary to be strong and vigorous in their jobs, which allows giving good attention to citizens, as well as the dedication and absorption of the worker. In addition, employees are enthusiastic about the dedication dimension and inspiration of each worker before serving each citizen; In the absorption dimension, each worker feels absorbed and thus gives her full attention, and thus receives the recognition of her superiors

Palabras clave

Engagement; vigor; dedicación; absorción

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